Constituents of human seminal plasma

The ratio of the concn. of certain constituents in human seminal plasma to their concn. in blood plasma was found to be: chloride (as NaCl) and cholesterol, 0.3-0.5; bicarbonate, 0.7-1.0; Ca, glucose, urea, 2-3; lactic acid, 5-6; acid-soluble P (in-organic, 50% spermine, 30%, undetd., 20%), 30. The proteins of seminal plasma include: mucin (traces), nucleoprotein, albumin, globulin (traces), proteoses. The proteoses may be both primary and secondary; the latter is always present. Peptone is never present; protamines and histones were not found. Glycolysis can be demonstrated in seminal plasma only if active sperm cells are present, lactic acid being produced. Proteolytic ferments were not found. Diastase and thrombo-kinase were demonstrated. Hormones affecting either the [female] genital tract or the carbohydrate metabolism could not be demonstrated.

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