Impact of Indoor Environmental Parameters on Formaldehyde Concentrations in Unoccupied Research Houses

An environmental parameters study has examined the impact of indoor temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) levels on formaldehyde (CH2O) concentrations inside two unoccupied research houses where the primary CH2O emitter is particleboard underlayment. The data were fit to a simple three-term, steady state model describing the T and RH dependence of CH2O concentration in a single compartment with a single CH2O emitter. The model incorporates an Arrhenius T dependence and a nonlinear RH dependence of the CH2O vapor concentration within the solid CH2O emitter. The RH dependence is based on Freundlich's theory of the adsorption of water vapor on solid surfaces. The model is used to estimate potential seasonal variation in CH2O concentrations under specified experimental conditions inside the research houses. The modeled results indicate six- to ninefold variation between 18°C, 20% RH and 32°C, 80% RH, simulating potential winter/summer conditions with minimal indoor climate control. In comparison, Indoor conditions ranging from 20°C, 30% RH to 26°C, 60% RH yielded approximate two- to fourfold fluctuations in CH2O concentration. The research house data were also used to evaluate the limitations and applicability of more complex five-term models developed from small-scale chamber studies of the environmental dependence of CH2O emissions from particleboard underlayment. These models also incorporate a linear T and RH dependence of the CH2O transport rate through the CH2O emitter in addition to the T and RH dependence of the CH2O concentration within the emitter. Good correlation is observed between the results of the research house studies and 1) a selected (i.e., single) underlayment model over a broad range of environmental conditions and 2) a combined underlayment model over a restricted range of environmental conditions.

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