As dysphagia is such a frequent symptom in myasthenia gravis and in other conditions which may simulate it, examination of the patient''s deglutition is very desirable. Cinefluorography using image intensification provides the most satisfactory way of doing this and recording the abnormalities. Points of special importance in the examination technique are stressed. The demonstrable abnormalities fall into 2 groups: Those of the oral stage of deglutition due to asthenia of the muscles of the tongue and mouth. Disturbances of the pharyngeal stage varying from weakness of the constrictors leaving residues in the recesses to complete atonicity and inability to elevate the larynx and invert the epiglottis. The value of the study of deglutition in diagnosis, assessment of response to treatment, progress and prognosis is discussed. It is considered a valuable aid in the management of myasthenia gravis.

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