Field Study of a Long and Very Narrow Contaminant Plume

A contaminant plume more than 7,700 meters long and a few hundred meters wide has been delineated using a network of bundle piezometers. The location, concentration, and starting time of the source are well‐defined. The plume occurs in a stratified, highly permeable, sand and gravel aquifer in which the ground‐water flow is unusually steady in direction and magnitude. A ground‐water velocity of 380 meters per annum and a longitudinal dispersivity of 60 to 120 meters are obtained by simulating chloride breakthrough data at 7,700 meters from the source. Simulation of the cross‐sectional distribution of chloride concentrations at 5,500 meters shows the horizontal transverse dispersivity to be at most 0.10 meters. This very small maximum value for horizontal transverse dispersivity is two to four orders of magnitude smaller than values reported in the literature for plumes of similar lengths. It is postulated that the very weak lateral dispersion is due primarily to the steadiness of the ground‐water flow.An ICP‐MS, equipped with an ultrasonic nebulizer and active‐film multiplier detector, is used to attempt to determine 54 trace elements directly in ground water. Lithium, arsenic, rubidium, strontium, barium, and antimony are found in the microgram‐per‐liter (part‐per‐billion = ppb) range. Most of the other elements are present at nanogram‐per‐liter (part‐per‐trillion = ppt) concentrations. Ion exchange preconcentration is utilized in order to improve the sensitivity for measuring the rare earth elements that exist at concentrations as low as 0.05 ppt for lutetium, thulium, and terbium. The formation of molecular species in the plasma produces false positive results for some of the elements. The presence of silicon or carbon dioxide interferes with the measurement of scandium, strontium interferes with rhodium and palladium, and barium interferes with europium. Correction procedures for these interferences are discussed. All together, the concentrations of the 54 elements in water from four Nevada springs span almost seven orders of magnitude.