Shape-Adaptive DCT for Denoising of 3D Scalar and Tensor Valued Images

During the last ten years or so, diffusion tensor imaging has been used in both research and clinical medical applications. To construct the diffusion tensor images, a large set of direction sensitive magnetic resonance image (MRI) acquisitions are required. These acquisitions in general have a lower signal-to-noise ratio than conventional MRI acquisitions. In this paper, we discuss computationally effective algorithms for noise removal for diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DTI) using the framework of 3-dimensional shape-adaptive discrete cosine transform. We use local polynomial approximations for the selection of homogeneous regions in the DTI data. These regions are transformed to the frequency domain by a modified discrete cosine transform. In the frequency domain, the noise is removed by thresholding. We perform numerical experiments on 3D synthetical MRI and DTI data and real 3D DTI brain data from a healthy volunteer. The experiments indicate good performance compared to current state-of-the-art methods. The proposed method is well suited for parallelization and could thus dramatically improve the computation speed of denoising schemes for large scale 3D MRI and DTI.