Adsorption of a minority component in polymer blend interfaces

We analyze the adsorption per interfacial thickness of the minority component C, ΓC, in the interfaces between A and B rich phases in ternary polymer blends as a function of cphīC<cphi¯A=cphi¯B, where cphīI is the mean composition of I, and the net interaction per thermal energy between I and J, χIJ. We find ΓC solving numerically the nonlinear decomposition equations in the steady state. When C is nonselective, χAC=χBCχAB, ΓC increases as η increases and it is linear with cphīC for cphīCcphi¯A+cphi¯B. For selective C, χACχAB and χBCχAB, in the case of minimum adsorption, η=0, ΓC decreases as ɛ increases and it vanishes when ɛ≥1. © 1996 The American Physical Society.