A Ten-Year Experience With Ureteroileostomy

IN 1935, Seiffert1 reported in a German surgical journal a procedure of bilateral ureteral transplantation into a segment of intestine as a method of supravesical urinary diversion. It remained, however, for Eugene Bricker, MD, 15 years later to modify and popularize the procedure which we now know as the ileal loop.2 The ileal loop was presented originally as a relatively simple method of urinary diversion which hopefully would overcome the many pitfalls of nephrostomies, cutaneous ureterostomies, and ureterosigmoidostomies. Since 1950, this method has been widely used to treat a large variety of urologic and surgical conditions requiring urinary diversion. Reports have appeared in the literature at intervals outlining the experience of groups or individuals with this operation and containing various modifications to the original procedure. The present study, comprising 120 cases, reports the 10 year experience with ileal loop diversion in the University Hospitals of Cleveland and its