Analysis and synthesis of the three-dimensional movements of the head, face, and hand of a speaker using cued speech

In this paper we present efforts for characterizing the three dimensional (3-D) movements of the right hand and the face of a French female speaker during the audiovisual production of cued speech. The 3-D trajectories of 50 hand and 63 facial flesh points during the production of 238 utterances were analyzed. These utterances were carefully designed to cover all possible diphones of the French language. Linear and nonlinear statistical models of the articulations and the postures of the hand and the face have been developed using separate and joint corpora. Automatic recognition of hand and face postures at targets was performed to verify a posteriori that key hand movements and postures imposed by cued speech had been well realized by the subject. Recognition results were further exploited in order to study the phonetic structure of cued speech, notably the phasing relations between hand gestures and sound production. The hand and face gestural scores are studied in reference with the acoustic segmentation. A first implementation of a concatenative audiovisual text-to-cued speech synthesis system is finally described that employs this unique and extensive data on cued speech in action.