Turner1has recently reported a case in which a patient suffered typical, transient, anginal pain as a result of hypoglycemia. I am able to add the report of a case in which heart pain of three years' duration was precipitated by prolonged over-dosage of insulin. There are some points of interest in the history: A woman, aged 61, was admitted to the Arrowhead Springs Metabolic Clinic, Jan. 17, 1927, for diabetes of ten years' duration. At the age of 40 she developed arthritis, which was slowly progressive, and at the time of admission there were arthritic changes in her shoulders, hands, knees, ankles, feet and spine, of a mild, infectious type. At about the same time a kidney stone was removed and a kidney abscess drained. Typical angina pectoris developed at the age of 50, with precordial distress and radiation of pain into the left shoulder and arm. These