The superfluid density of liquid He4 near the λ point has been measured using the oscillating-disk-pile technique. From accurate measurements of the period of oscillation as a function of the temperature difference TλT, the superfluid density ρs is found to obey the power-law expression ρs=1.43ρ(TλT)ζ with ζ=0.666±0.006. This power-law dependence closely resembles that found in other systems near a symmetry-breaking higher-order phase transition. In particular, Josephson has shown for He II that the value ζ=23 is a direct consequence of a logarithmically divergent specific heat (ln|TλT|). Thermodynamic and scaling arguments suggest that the coherence length in He II varies as (TλT)ζ. Our result for the superfluid critical exponent ζ, together with the superfluid-specific-heat data of Kellers, Fairbank, and Buckingham, are consistent with the validity of the Widom-Kadanoff-Josephson scaling laws.