Role of Virtual Electrodes in Arrhythmogenesis: Pinwheel Experiment Revisited

Virtual Electrodes in Arrhythmogenesis. Introduction: Recent experimental evidence demonstrates that a point stimulus generates a nonuniform distribution of transmembrane potential (virtual electrode pattern) consisting of large adjacent areas of depolarization and hyperpolarization. This simulation study focuses on the role of virtual electrodes in reentry induction.Methods and Results: We simulated the electrical behavior of a sheet of myocardium using a two‐dimensional bidomain model with straight fibers. Membrane kinetics were represeuted by the Beeler‐Reuter Drouhard‐Roberge model. Simulations were conducted for equal and unequal anisotropy ratios. S1 wavefront was planar and propagated parallel or perpendicular to the fibers. S2 unipolar stimulus was catbodal or anodal. With regard to unequal anisotropy, for both cathodal and anodal stimuli, the S2 stimulus negatively polarizes some portion of membrane, deexciting it and opening an excitable pathway in a region of otherwise unexcitable tissue. Reentry is generated by break excitation of this tissue and subsequent propagation through deexcited and recovered areas of myocardium. Figure‐of‐eight and quatrefoil reentry are observed, with figure‐of‐eight most common. Figure‐of‐eight rotation is seen in the direction predicted by the critical point hypothesis. With regard to equal anisotropy, reentry was observed for cathodal stimuli only at strengths > ‐95 A/m.Conclusion: The key to reentry induction is the close proximity of S2‐induced excited and deexcited areas, with adjacent nonexcited areas available for propagation.