Restenosis following coronary angioplasty: Clinical presentations and therapeutic options

Restenosis following angioplasty is an iatrogenic disease of increasing frequency. Restenosis may be defined in terms of either angiographic or clinical criteria. Definitions of angiographic restenosis have varied in different studies, accounting in part for the differences in reported restenosis rates. Most studies now define angiographic restenosis as either a >50% loss of initial gain or an absolute lesion stenosis of ≥50% at follow-up angiogram. Common clinical end points used in defining restenosis include recurrent angina, need for repeat revascularization, or myocardial infarction. Despite technical advances and multiple pharmacologic interventions, most studies have found that the incidence of angiographic restenosis remains in the range of 40%; in none of these studies, however, was complete angiographic follow-up obtained, and thus actual restenosis rates may be somewhat higher. In several studies, clinical restenosis has been found to occur in approximately 36–40% of patients. Thus, a minority of patients with angiographic restenosis have no clinical manifestations. Most patients who develop symptoms of restenosis develop these symptoms within the first 3 months after angioplasty. The presenting symptom in the majority of these patients is progressive exertional angina. Patients occasionally will present with unstable angina and only rarely with acute myocardial infarction. In patients who present with recurrent chest pain, several features have been found to be helpful in predicting whether they will have angiographic restenosis at follow-up angiography. Patients who present 1–6 months after angioplasty with typical anginal symptoms have a high likelihood of having angiographic restenosis. By contrast, patients who present more than 6 months after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with recurrent chest pain are more likely to have new, significant coronary lesions to account for their symptoms. Noninvasive testing in patients with clinical presentations suggestive of restenosis can, in general, add only modest information in predicting whether restenosis is indeed present. A negative exercise thallium test appears to have a high specificity in ruling out restenosis and may be helpful in patients who present with more atypical symptoms. Repeat angioplasty is the therapy most frequently utilized to treat restenosis, although coronary artery bypass surgery or medical therapy may be reasonable alternative therapies. Clinical success rates with repeat angioplasty are >90%, and major complications are rare; however, restenosis will recur in a significant percentage of these patients. Some patients who develop such recurrent restenoses will ultimately benefit from a strategy of repeat angioplasties, although many will require surgical revascularization.

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