Determination of cadmium and lead in human urine by STAT-FAAS after enrichment on activated carbon

1 Air analysis1.1 Sample collection and pretreatment1.2 Instrumental analysis1.2.1 Atomic absorption and atomic emission spectrometry1.2.2 Atomic fluorescence spectrometry1.2.3 X-ray fluorescence spectrometry1.2.4 Mass spectrometry1.3 Trends1.3.1 Speciation1.3.2 Multi-instrumental analysisTable 1 Summary of analyses of air and particulates2 Water analysis2.1 Sample preparation2.1.1 Sample collection and preservation2.1.2 Preconcentration and separation procedures2.1.3 Hydride and cold vapour generation2.1.4 Speciation2.1.5 Reference materials and standard methods2.2 Instrumental analysis2.2.1 Atomic absorption spectrometry2.2.2 Emission and fluorescence spectrometry2.2.3 X-ray fluorescence spectrometry2.2.4 Mass spectrometryTable 2 Summary of analyses of water3 Analysis of soils, plants and related materials3.1 Uncertainty in environmental analysis3.2 Reference materials3.3 Sample preparation3.3.1 Cutting and grinding3.3.2 Sample dissolution3.3.3 Solvent extraction3.3.4 Other preconcentration procedures3.3.5 Operationally-defined procedures for assessing bioavailable elements3.3.6 Speciation studies3.4 Developments in atomic absorption spectrometry3.5 Developments in atomic fluorescence spectrometry3.6 Developments in atomic emission spectrometry3.7 Developments in mass spectrometry3.7.1 Developments in ICP mass spectrometry3.7.2 Developments in other inorganic mass spectrometric techniques3.8 Developments in X-ray fluorescence spectrometry3.9 Developments in X-ray absorption spectrometryTable 3 Summary of analyses of soils, plants and related materials Analysis of geological materials4.1 Introduction4.2 Sample treatment4.2.1 Solid sample introduction4.2.1.1 Laser ablation4.2.1.2 Slurry nebulization4.2.2 Sample dissolution4.2.3 Separation and preconcentration4.2.4 Sequential extractions4.2.5 Speciation studies4.2.6 Vapour generation4.3 Instrumental analysis4.3.1 Atomic absorption spectrometry4.3.2 Atomic fluorescence spectrometry4.3.3 Atomic emission spectrometry4.3.4 Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry4.3.5 Other mass spectrometric methods4.3.6 X-ray methods4.3.7 Neutron activation analysisTable 4 Summary of analyses of geological materials5 References

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