The symbol error performance of CD900-like digital cellular mobile radio systems over narrowband and urban wideband transmission channels was investigated. The basic performance is presented for Gaussian, flat-fading Rayleigh, and log-normal channels in the presence of selection and ratio combining space diversity schemes. For wideband channels having more than one resolvable fading path, a CD900-like system without diversity reception suffers from large residual symbol error probabilities PR(≈10-1). The introduction of adaptive correlation diversity (ACD) mitigates the effects of multipath, yielding a PR of 6 × 10-5. Although this PR value is relatively low, the probability of symbol error (Pe) versus signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is significantly poorer than for the Gaussian channel. By combining the ACD scheme with space diversity, the PR is eliminated by Pe > 10-5, and the channel SNR is within 5 dB of the Gaussian channel performance when Pe is 10-10.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

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