The Amino Acid Use in Cultures of Phase I Bordetella pertussis During Growth in Chemically Defined Media

The primary metabolic importance of glutamic acid for phase I B. pertussis was illustrated by its rapid use during the exponential stage of the growth in a chemically defined medium. The pattern of uptake of proline, in particular, and of glutamine resembled that of glutamic acid; this was explained in terms of the conversion of proline and glutamine to glutamic acid. Other substantially used amino-acids (alanine, gly-cine, histidine, serine) were taken up when the readily available sources of glutamic acid became exhausted and the culture entered the stationary phase of growth. The results given show the order of uptake for the amino-acids in relation to the growth stage of the culture. No relation was apparent between the amino-acid uptake and the immunogenicity of the organisms throughout the growth period.

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