Chronic Progressive Coccidioidal Pneumonitis

Chronic progressive coccidioidal pneumonitis (CPCP) is an uncommon sequela of acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosis. Six recent patients with CPCP are described, most of whom were previously healthy. The clinical presentation was indolent, resulting in long diagnostic delays. Serial chest roentgenograms showed progressive pulmonary infiltration and sputum cultures were persistently positive for Coccidioides immitis. Serum complement fixation (CF) antibody titers were high, with five of six patients having titers greater than or equal to 1:16. No patients had evidence of extrapulmonary coccidioidal spread at time of diagnosis of CPCP, although hematogenous dissemination occurred later in one patient. Five patients received amphotericin B intravenously (≥ 30 mg/kg total), resulting in rapid clinical and mycologic cure, decline in CF titers, and roentgenographic improvement or stabilization. However, two of these five patients suffered permanent physiologic impairment. One patient refused therapy and remains clinically symptomatic, with chronic positivity of sputum cultures for C immitis and high CF titers. (Arch Intern Med 139:536-540, 1979)

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