Development of the Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with assistive Technology (QUEST)

This study's purpose was to develop a clinical instrument designed to evaluate user satisfaction with assistive technology devices. This paper describes the methodology used to develop the instrument entitled the Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with assistive Technology (QUEST). Based on the theoretical and practical foundations of assistive technology as well as on the concept of satisfaction, preliminary versions of the instrument were created and examined by a panel of team participants. After the panel's recommendations were incorporated, a pretest of the revised instrument was conducted and the final French version of QUEST emerged. The originality of QUEST lies in its interactiveness and user-directed approach to assessing satisfaction with assistive technology. From a set of 27 variables, the user is asked to indicate the degree of importance he/she attributes to each of the satisfaction variables and then to rate his/her degree of satisfaction with each of the variables considered (quite or very) important. While QUEST remains a clinical instrument undergoing pilot testing, it holds much promise in our quest for a reliable and valid means of assessing assistive technology outcome from the user's perspective.