We study decay modes and decay widths of an exotic qq¯g(1+) meson. Three possible decay mechanisms—the process allowed by the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka (OZI) rule, the qq¯gqq¯ mixing process and the OZI-rule-semiforbidden process—are investigated. Principal decay modes of the qq¯g(1+, I=1, 12) into ordinary mesons are expected to be qq¯g(1+, I=1)πη and qq¯g(1+, I=12)πK. These decay widths are predicted to be ∼50 MeV. For the qq¯g(1+, I=0) meson, the main decay mode into ordinary mesons depends on its mass. For mqq¯g1300 MeV, this meson decays mainly into ππρ (Γ<1 MeV), but if mqq¯g1500 MeV, it decays into ηη, KK*, and πA1 (Γ10 MeV). We also expect OZI-rule-allowed processes such as qq¯g(1+)πqq¯g(0+). This decay width is predicted to be ∼20 MeV.