Free alpha molecules from pregnancy stimulate secretion of prolactin from human decidual cells: a novel function for free alpha in pregnancy.

Free alpha molecules isolated from pregnancy, as well as highly purified reference preparations of hCG alpha subunit (CR119 or CR123), stimulated the release of prolactin from human decidual cells in culture. The amount of prolactin secreted during a 24 h incubation was concentration-dependent over a range of increasing doses of alpha from 0.2 to 20 ng/ml with an ED50 of about 1.6 ng/ml. These concentrations are well within the physiologic maternal serum free alpha levels which average 350 ng/ml during the third trimester of pregnancy. Incubation of decidual cells with a reference preparation of intact hCG (CR123) at a concentration of 260 ng/ml resulted in stimulated secretion of prolactin, however, the observed stimulation could be attributed to contamination of the preparation with free alpha or dissociated hCG alpha subunit. Purified hCG beta subunit had no stimulatory activity on the decidual cell culture. The effect of alpha subunit on the stimulated release of prolactin was not due to a generalized stimulation of protein synthesis and secretion since no increase was observed in the release of 35S-labeled proteins compared to controls. In addition, the observed increase in prolactin secretion was not due to a toxic effect of the alpha subunit since there was no visible effect on cell viability, and the cellular enzymes, LDH and alkaline phosphatase, were not detected in the culture medium. Addition of exogenous hCG alpha subunit to primary cultures of human trophoblast cultures did not result in stimulated release of human placental lactogen. We conclude that free alpha molecules of pregnancy stimulate release of prolactin from human decidual cells in culture. These results suggest a novel role for free alpha in the paracrine regulation of decidual prolactin secretion.

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