Normal and umklapp phonon decay rates due to phonon-phonon and electron-phonon scattering in potassium at low temperatures

Phonon decay rates in potassium due to phonon-phonon and electron-phonon scattering are calculated and compared for small wave numbers at low temperatures (∼1 to 10 K). We find that the phonon-phonon half-widths Γpp have a strong dependence on the temperature and magnitude of q, but are roughly independent of the direction of q. The electron-phonon half-widths Γep are temperature independent, vary slowly with q (linear in q for q0.3×2πa), and have a strong directional dependence on q for the transverse phonon modes. The umklapp contribution ΓppU to the total phonon-phonon decay rate ΓppTOT is also calculated for small q and is shown to have a pronounced temperature dependence whereby ΓppUΓppTOT decreases rapidly at lower temperatures. In comparing the various half-widths we find that at high temperature (≳ 30 K) Γpp dominates Γep. At lower temperatures the two are comparable to each other and the situation is complex. Along certain directions in q space for certain branches Γep may dominate whereas along symmetry directions at small q for the transverse branches Γep is zero and Γpp dominates. The relevance of these and other results are discussed in the context of low-temperature transport properties. Finally we briefly compare our results for potassium with those for two other simple metals, rubidium and aluminum.