Desmopressin acetate does not reduce blood loss during total hip replacement in patients receiving dextran

The blood loss-reducing effect of desmopressin during dextran therapy was studied in a double-blind fashion in 79 elderly but otherwise healthy patients with preoperative normal bleeding time undergoing total hip replacement for primary coxarthrosis. An infusion of desmopressin (0.3 microgram/kg body weight) or placebo was randomly administered immediately after administration of spinal anaesthesia and six hours later. Haemostasis was evaluated on the basis of vWF: ristocetin cofactor activity, FVIII: C activity, human tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) plasminogen activator inhibitor type (PAI), beta-thromboglobuline (beta TG) and a clot impedance test (Sonoclot). There were no statistically significant differences (P > 0.05) in mean blood loss or transfusion requirements between the placebo and the desmopressin group. There was a significantly increase (P < 0.01) both in vWF: ristocetin cofactor and in FVIII: C activity after both infusions of desmopressin compared with placebo. There was no significant difference in beta TG, tPA, PAI or Sonoclot analysis between the groups. In conclusion, desmopressin did not reduce blood loss in patients undergoing total hip replacement.