Immunological characterization of calf lens γ-crystallins, separated by preparative isoelectric focusing

Calf γ-crystallins were separated by preparative flat-bed. isoelectric focusing and characterized according to their immunological properties, molecular weights and isoelectric points. Immunologically 4 different groups of γ-crystallins (γ1a-1d-crystallin) could be detected. The main immunological component, the γ1b-crystallin corresponds to two polypeptides with molecular weights of 20,500 and 22,000., The two minor components, the γ1c-and γ1d-crystallin, are immunologically partial identical with the main component γ1b, -crystalline One of these minor components, the γ1d-crystallin, has a MW of 29,000. The 4th antigen (γ -orystallin), which has a Mff of 21,000, seems to have only remote relationship with the major γ-orystallin component.