The more or less flat-lying sedimentary rocks that build up the plateau country of the northern, central, and eastern parts of Spitsbergen range in age from Downtonian to Tertiary. The rocks with which it is proposed to deal in this paper constitute the basement underlying this sedimentary succession in the east central part of Spitsbergen, in the region at the head, and to the east, of Klaas Billen Bay, the north-eastern branch of the Ice Fiord (Map, fig. I). An extension of these basement rocks is to be found in the mountains east of Wijde Bay, and similar rocks are to be found in other parts of Spitsbergen, notably in the western mountain ranges. Formations up to the Tertiary, as well as the Pre-Devonian, are involved in the folding of these western ranges; but the rocks dealt with in this paper may be designated as older than the oldest unfolded rocks in the country.

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