As part of a study of the effects of the experimental whole-lake acidification of Lake 223 in the Experimental Lakes Area on the population of the crayfish Orconectes virilis physiological responses of adults from this population to low pH were examined in the laboratory. Crayfish survived pH 4.0 for 10 d when they were not moulting but suffered mortality when they were in postmolt stages. Postmolt crayfish held at pH 5.0 for 10 d survived but showed slower progression of molt cycle stages and of calcification of the exoskeleton than individuals held at pH 6.0 or in lake water at about pH 6.7. Uptake of Ca++ by postmolt crayfish measured by the use of 45Ca as a tracer was inhibited by pH below 5.75 and ceased altogether below pH 4.0 when these levels of acidity were applied acutely.Key words: Orconectes virilis, crayfish, molt cycle, mortality, pH, calcification, postmolt calcium uptake, acid rain, lake acidification