Averaging operators in non commutative Lp spaces I

The origin of the theory of averaging operators is explained in [1]. The theory has been developed on spaces of continuous functions that vanish at infinity by Kelley in [3] and on the Lp spaces of measure theory by Rota [5]. The motivation for this paper arose out of the latter paper. The aim of this paper is to prove a generalisation of Rota's main representation theorem (every average is a conditional expectation) in the context of a ‘non commutative integration’. This context is as follows. Let be a finite von Neumann algebra and ϕ a faithful normal finite trace on such that ϕ(I) = 1, where I is the identity of . We can construct the Banach spaces Lp (, ϕ), where 1 ≤ p < °, with norm ∥xp = ϕ(÷x÷p)1/p, of possibly unbounded operators affiliated with , as in [9]. We note that is dense in Lp(, ϕ). These spaces share many of the features of the Lp spaces of measure theory; indeed if is abelian then Lp(,ϕ) is isometrically isomorphic to Lp of some measure space.

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