SYNOPSIS. The taxonomic position of Selenidiidae Brasil in the class of gregarines is discussed in relation to the study of its life cycles, its possible schizogony and the fine structure of its trophozoites.The cycle of gregarines which belong to the genus Selenidium Giard is characterized by trophozoites with pendular or coiling movements, nuclear transformations in gamonts during syzygy just before cyst formation, anisogamy, sporocysts with 4 sporozoites.Schizogony of the Selenidiidae is not yet demonstrated. The “kystes á meérozoites” within the gut epithelium of Sabellaria alveolata, could be one of the stages of schizogony of S. hollandei. This sole example in our study and the absence of schizogony in numerous species, especially in S. pendula, the type species, shows that this criterion is uncertain, actually, in the definition of the order Archigregarinida Grassé. Ultrastructural studies of S. hollandei and S. pendula show that the cortical region in trophozoites of the genus Selenidium is different from that of Eugregarinida. In the Selenidiidae the epicyte is composed of longitudinal folds. Under the wall, consisting of 3 membranes there is a well‐defined pellicular fibrillar system. In S. hollandei, the trophozoite has a fibrillar formation, corresponding to a conoid in its anterior region. The trophozoites of S. hollandei and S. pendula contain anterior dense bodies or rhoptries which are very well developed. All these characteristics conform to the ultrastructural organization of the dissemination forms (merozoites, schizozoites, sporozoites):The results allow one to give a new definition of the Order Archigregarinida:Order Archigregarinida (Grassé): Gregarines with ultrastructural organization of the trophozoites similar to that of dissemination forms. Presence of a well defined pellicular fibrillar system. Intestinal parasites of polychaete worms.