The reliability of the Computer Technology Hassles Scale, a measure of computer-related stress, and correlates of this measure were investigated. A questionnaire requested demographic data and exposure to computer information, the 69-item Computer Technology Hassles Scale, Perceived Stress Scale, a global measure of stress, the Computer Attitude Scale, and the somatic complaint items from the Hopkins Symptom Checklist. A total of 100 students responded to two administrations, given 2 months apart, of the questionnaire. Test-retest reliability was .64. Correlations of scores on the Computer Technology Hassles Scale with perceived stress were .26 (Time 1), .18 (Time 2) and with somatic complaints .15 (Time 2) and .36 (Time 2). Correlations of the scale with attitudes toward computers were –.08 (Time 1), .03 (Time 2) and with computer anxiety was –.11 (Time 2).

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