Antigens of the Egypt virus were detected by means of the fluorescent antibody technique in the neurons of the brain and spinal cord in both sensory and motor areas of infected mice. Antigens were also observed in infected human epidermoid carcinoma cells in culture. In both cases the antigens occurred in the cytoplasm of the cells exclusively. In the early stages of infection antigens were localized about the nucleus of the human cultured cells. In some cases the staining of the antigens produced a sponge-like effect, probably because of the numerous vacuoles of lipid material. The antigens were observed in the protoplasmic connections between cells and they probably served as a main route of spread of the agent in these human cell cultures. The number of cells initially infected and showing antigen was proportional to the amount of virus added, and titration with one substrain of cells proved much more sensitive than intracerebral titration in the mouse.