Multipole mixtures of gamma-ray transitions depopulating the 1318-keV (2−) and 1518-keV (6+or7−) states inYb174

An E1+E3 (1.9% M2) multipole mixture has been observed for the 1242-keV (22+) transition depopulating the Jπ, K=2,2 octupole vibrational level at 1318 keV in Yb174 following the decay of Lu174 and Lum174. The internal-conversion cœfficient for this transition and the γγ directional correlation for the 1242-76.5-keV cascade have been remeasured, and the results yield the unique set of multipole mixing ratios δ1(M2E1)=0.05±0.09 and δ2(E3E1)=0.19±0.08 which correspond to a multipole admixture of E1(96.32.6+1.7%)+M2(0.20.2+1.7%)+E3(3.52.1+3.8%). The M2 multipolarity of the 1318-keV (20+) transition was also verified from the measured internal-conversion coefficient. A multipole admixture of E3 (<27% M2) for the 1065-keV transition was deduced from available data, and the ratios of reduced transition probabilities for the transitions depopulating the 1318-keV level were calculated and compared with rotational-model predictions. Using the previously measured half-life of the 2 level, absolute transition probabilities and hindrance factors were obtained for these transitions, and B(E3) values were compared with theoretical microscopic model calculations. Partial correlation coefficients for the 992-keV transition depopulating the 1518-keV isomeric state were determined using the γγ directional correlation data. Multipole admixtures consistent with the correlation data (and internal conversion data for the 7 case) are E2+(27±8%)M1 for the choice of 6+ and E1(68±7%)+M2(5±2%)+E3(27±7%) for the choice of 7 for the 1518-keV level. Using the reported half-life for that level, the hindrance factors were obtained for the K-forbidden transitions depopulating the level for each choice of spin assignment and these are compared with hindrance factors observed for known K-forbidden transitions.