Levels of free plasma catecholamines were simultaneously determined in 10 cyclists using capillary blood from one ear lobe and venous blood from one cubital vein. Catecholamine concentrations were higher in the ear lobe blood than in the venous blood at rest and during graded exercise. Average differences amounted to 1.7 nmol · l−1 (dopamine), 2.1 nmol · l−1 (noradrenaline) and 1.9 nmol · l−1 (adrenaline) at rest and increased only to 8.8 nmol · l−1 for noradrenaline during exercise. We assume that higher concentrations of dopamine and adrenaline in the capillary blood point to a significant neuronal release of these catecholamines, similar to noradrenaline. Catecholamine concentrations in capillary blood may better reflect sympathetic drive and delivery of catecholamines to the circulation than the concentrations in venous blood.