The comparative tuberculin test in guinea pigs using PPD extracts prepared from mycobacteria killed with phenol

Summary. Purified‐protein‐derivative (PPD) extracts were prepared from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (PPD‐S), M. bovis (PPD‐BS), M. avium (PPD‐A) and M. kansasii (PPD‐K), after killing the cultures with phenol. The reactions were assessed in guinea pigs sensitised to a range of mycobacteria, with a view to selecting a suitable pairing of the extracts to distinguish sensitivity due to M. tuberculosis or M. bovis from that due to other mycobacteria. Sensitisation induced by M. bovis was best distinguished from others using PPD‐S and PPD‐A; for sensitisation by atypical mycobacteria, PPD‐BS was better than PPD‐S, used with either PPD‐K or PPD‐A, PPD‐BS was more specific than PPD‐S. Using PPD‐BS, PPD‐A and PPD‐K in a comparative test, 3 groups were recognised: those sensitive to M. bovis or M. tuberculosis (greatest reaction was to PPD‐BS); those sensitive to M. avium, M. Intracellulare and M. scrofulaceum (greatest reaction was to PPD‐A); those sensitive to M. kansasii, M. marium, M. gordonae and M. fortuitum (greatest reaction was to PPD‐K).