Quasiparticle calculation of the dielectric response of silicon and germanium

We calculate the dielectric function ε1(ω) of silicon and germanium for frequencies below the direct band gap at the experimental lattice constant as well as the pressure dependence of the static dielectric constant ε1(P). Our theory is an extension of the local-density approximation (LDA). We include self-energy effects by adding an operator to the usual LDA Hamiltonian; i.e., Hk=HkLDA+Δk Pck. This form leads to a Ward-identity replacement p→(ɛnk-HkLDA )1(ɛnk -Hk)p. Our theory is in agreement with experiment for ε1(ω) at the level of a few percent. For ε1(P), we are in agreement with experiments for silicon and some of the conflicting experiments for germanium. A prediction is made for the pressure dependence of the dielectric function of silicon beyond the linear regime.