Using electron bremsstrahlung with up to 5.2-MeV end-point energy, the resonant scattering of γ rays by an enriched sample of Sm144 has been studied. Ground-state transitions were observed from a dozen levels, and the scattering yields, measured at 96° and 126°, were evaluated in terms of radiative widths and level spins. For the strongest excitations, these measurements were supplemented by self-absorption and linear-polarization studies. Some of the observed E1 transitions originate from 1 states which, according to isobaric-analog-resonance studies, contain large neutron-particle-hole components. On the other hand, the 3.225- and 3.891-MeV levels, which exhibit the strongest E1 ground-state transitions, occur at energies which suggest that they arise from the coupling of the lowest octupole vibration to the 21+ and 22+ levels.