Retroperitoneal Fibrosis Secondary to Actinomycosis With No Intrauterine Device

Actinomycotic pelvic infection usually occurs in the presence of an intrauterine device. It can result in pelvic inflammatory disease, tubo-ovarian abscess, and retroperitoneal fibrosis. A 35-year-old multipara who had never used an intrauterine device presented with a 5-month history of progressively worsening, colicky, right-sided abdominal pain, dysuria, weight loss, and constipation. She was found to have retroperitoneal fibrosis. The diagnosis of actinomycotic pelvic infection was made at laparotomy. Actinomycosis may be considered in the differential diagnosis of women with retroperitoneal fibrosis, even when there is no history of an intrauterine device.