Precise measurements of the electrical resistivities ρ of a series of Ti-V alloys have been made in the 77-300-K temperature range. The isothermal composition dependences are shown to be anomalously large (by an amount ρanom) over a concentration range of from about 12-at.% to at least 70-at.% V. Throughout this range ρanom,77 is larger than ρanom,300. Furthermore, within the composition range of 20-33-at.% V, (ρ77ρ300)anom exceeds the decrease in ideal resistivity between 300 and 77 K, leading to a net negative temperature coefficient of resistivity for those alloys. The results are discussed in the context of transition-metal binary-alloy phase stability, expressed in terms of soft phonons which become more and more localized as the solute concentration increases in the average electron-to-atom ratio range 4.1 to 5.0. A connection is made with superconductivity in alloys formed between groups-IV and -V transition metals. It is pointed out that the phonons of instability, which are responsible for the anomalous resistivity, also favor superconductive coupling and consequently a relatively "high" Tc; but that at the same time, this effect must compete with a proximity-effect-induced lowering of the average Tc by the product of the lattice instability (viz., ω phase), which itself has a very low Tc.