Postpubertal disease status in diabetes and factor structure anomaly on the WISC-R

Diabetic children have been found to display an anomalous factor structure on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) (Holmes, Cornwell, Dunlap, Chen, & Lee, 1992). The present study sought to extend this finding with a larger cross-regional sample of children to determine which, if any, demographic or disease factor(s) might be related to the anomalous structure. Results revealed that groups of older (> = 12 years) children and those with late disease onset (> = 5 years) exhibited an anomalous four-factor structure in which the traditional Perceptual Organization factor (II) split into two factors: Picture Completion and Picture Arrangement formed a visual discrimination factor; and Block Design and Object Assembly created a spatial conceptual factor. It is postulated that diabetic performance on this visual discrimination factor may reflect mild visual neuropathies, often associated with adolescence and postpubertal disease status.