Influence of solvent composition on the mechanical properties of arterial elastin

We have investigated the effects of changes in solution composition on the mechanical properties of rings of arterial elastin. The time course of force equilibration at constant strain following a change in the composition of the bathing solution was measured. Both the force developed during slow extension and force relaxation following rapid straining were also measured in each of the test solutions. The results are difficult to summarize because all of the primitive quantities measured—sample dimension, slope of the force‐extension curve, force overshoot and time of relaxation—as well as the derived quantities such as elastic modulus changed in different and apparently uncorrelated ways. Changes in pH and ionic composition of the bathing solution had small effects consistent with the low fixed charge density of elastin. Solutions of glucose, sucrose, and ethylene glycol had larger effects consistent with changes in hydrophobic interactions. The viscosity of the solution that penetrated the intrafibrillar space of the elastin appeared to be a major determinant of the dynamic response.