Cutting Edge: KAP10, a Novel Transmembrane Adapter Protein Genetically Linked to DAP12 but with Unique Signaling Properties

Transmembrane adapter proteins are a class of molecules that mediate signals from an extracellular receptor to the cytoplasm of the cell. We have cloned a novel transmembrane adapter protein called KAP10, a ∼10-kDa protein that is encoded within 100 bp of the DAP12 locus on human chromosome 19. KAP10 is predominantly expressed in immune cells, including NK cells, T cells, and monocytes. We show that KAP10, unlike other transmembrane adapter proteins, binds phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase following phosphorylation of a cytoplasmic YINM motif, which results in activation of Akt. In addition, we identify KAP10 as being able to bind the adapter protein Grb2. Based on our data, we suggest that this molecule is involved in stimulation and costimulation in cells of both myeloid and lymphoid origin.