Intermediate-coupling collision strengths and line strengths for certain transitions ton=3levels in highly charged Be-like ions

Scaled intermediate-coupling electron-impact collision strengths Z2Ω and electric-dipole line strengths Z2S together with transition energies are calculated for selected transitions between the lower group of mixed states 2s2S01, 2p2P03, and 2p2S01 and the upper group of mixed states 2s3pP13, 2s3pP11, 2p3sP13, 2p3sP11, 2p3dD13, 2p3dP13, and 2p3dP11 in Be-like ions with nuclear charge number Z in the range 14Z54. The results for Z2Ω are given for eight impact electron energies in the range 1ε10, where ε is the impact electron energy in threshold units. The results for transition energies and oscillator strengths are in good agreement with the experimental energies and with the energies and oscillator strengths for V19+, Fe22+, and Ni24+ calculated with Cowan's programs.

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