Unrecognized Anemia in Patients With Diabetes

OBJECTIVE—Anemia is common in diabetes, potentially contributing to the pathogenesis of diabetes complications. This study aims to establish the prevalence and independent predictors of anemia in a cross-sectional survey of 820 patients with diabetes in long-term follow-up in a single clinic. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—A full blood count was obtained in addition to routine blood and urine test results for all patients over a 2-year period to encompass all patterns of review. Predictors of the most recent Hb concentration and anemia were identified using multiple and logistic regression analysis. RESULTS—A total of 190 patients (23%) had unrecognized anemia (Hb 1c level (all P < 0.0001). Microalbuminuric patients were >2 times (odds ratio [OR] 2.3) and macroalbuminuric patients >10 times (OR 10.1) as likely to have anemia than normoalbuminuric patients with preserved renal function (GFR >80 ml/min). CONCLUSIONS—Anemia is a common accompaniment to diabetes, particularly in those with albuminuria or reduced renal function. Additional factors present in diabetes may contribute to the development of increased risk for anemia in patients with diabetes.