Biotin-Carbohydrate Interrelationships in the Metabolism of Leiiconostoc

A biotin-free casein hydrolysate basal medium was supplied with 4 types of carbohydrate[long dash]glucose, fructose, sucrose and invert sugar (acid-hydrolyzed sucrose). Three strains of Leuconostoc were employed: L. dextranicum elai, which gave approx. a quantitative yield of dextran from sucrose, based on the glucose content of the disaccharide; L. mesenteroides 683, avg. dextran yield, 65%; and L. dextranicum 8086 (ATCC), avg. dextran yield, 33%. All 3 showed a requirement for biotin in media containing glucose, fructose or acid-hydrolyzed sucrose. In the sucrose medium the various strains were free of a biotin requirement to the degree that the disaccharide was utilized via the pathway leading to dextran synthesis. These results were confirmed by means of egg white inhibition studies. Oleic acid, 5 [mu]g./ml., partially reversed egg white inhibition in glucose, fructose or acid-hydrolyzed sucrose media, and caused complete reversal of the inhibition in the sucrose medium, for L. mesenteroides 683 and L. dextranicum 8086. L. dextranicum elai was inhibited by oleic acid in all the media used.

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