One-Year Treatment with Different Dosing Schedules of Fluticasone Propionate in Childhood Asthma

Dose-dependent effects of inhaled corticosteroids have been described. Although it has been advised to start treatment with inhaled corticosteroids with a high dose tapering off subsequently (stepdown approach), no clinical studies have assessed this strategy. We compared two different dosage schedules of inhaled fluticasone propionate (FP) in chronic persistent childhood asthma with respect to efficacy (airways hyperresponsiveness [PD(20)], lung function, exhaled nitric oxide [eNO]) and safety (height). During this double-blind study, children with asthma (aged 6-10 yr) were randomized to receive either FP 200 microg/d (constant dose approach) or to start with 1000 microg/d with two monthly reductions to 500, 200, and 100 microg/d (stepdown approach). PD(20) improved in both approaches during treatment with FP, with a significantly better PD(20) after 2 mo of 1000 microg/d followed by 500 microg/d in the stepdown approach versus 200 microg/d in the constant dose approach. No significant differences in PD(20) or other efficacy parameters were found after 1 yr. Changes in standing height were similar in both treatment approaches. This study showed no superior clinical effect of a stepdown approach compared with a constant dose strategy of FP for 1 yr in children with chronic persistent asthma.