Treatment with combined intraarterial 5-FUdR infusion and whole-liver radiation for colon carcinoma metastatic to the liver Preliminary results

Patients (28) with colon carcinoma metastatic to the liver were treated with continuously infused intra-arterial 5-fluorouracil deoxyriboside (5-FUdR) and cyclical whole-liver radiation (2000-3000rad). Survivorship ranged from 25 days to almost 4yr and was a clear function of the extent of liver dysfunction at the time of initiation of this treatment. Difficulties in establishing the objective complete response rates in patients with minor imaging abnormalities were frequently noted. Extracorporeal and permanently implanted arterial infusion devices were employed, the results favoring the internal infusion units. Under ideal circumstances (early treatment, disease limited to the liver, and a permanent indwelling pump), a median survivorship of .apprx. 2 yr can be projected with a significant number of patients rendered free of progressive cancer in the liver for months to years. The dose-limiting feature of this approach is treatment-related to hepatitis, which proved lethal in one of 28 patients thus far treated. Preclinical studies on the original and reduction of drug and X-ray-induced liver toxicity should have high research priority.