Epitaxial Vapor Growth of Single Crystal Ge

Method of making perfect single crystal Ge layers by thermal decomposition of GeI2 has been developed. The closed-cycle deposition process is described briefly. Perfectness of the deposited crystals is affected decidedly by the physical and chemical surface conditions of the substrate and residual oxygen in the reaction tube. The depositing rate varies significantly with crystallographic orientation. The [100] directions deposit the most slowly and the most rapid depositing rate is in the [110] directions. It is confirmed that the purity of undoped deposits is comparable to that of the best melt-grown Ge. The fraction of doping agents transferred from the source Ge to the deposits is usually less than unity, and decreases with increasing depositing temperature over the whole range of temperatures. For any sort of impurity element, its fraction transferred has no relation with its segregation coefficient. The quality of crystals deposited in the gas-flow system is also compared with that of the deposits prepared by the closed-cycle process.

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