Baroreceptor Reflexes in Dogs Under Chloralosane Anesthesia

Dogs, anesthetized with 0.11 g of [alpha]-chloralosane/kg, were given a series of increasing doses of l-epinephrine intravenously. Blood pressure responses were kymographically recorded. Baroreceptors were destroyed by painting the carotid sinuses with 85% phenol and cutting both vagus nerves. The series of epinephrine doses was repeated after these procedures. The mean control blood pressure was significantly elevated after the denervatlon procedures (P<.01). Other than this, there were no significant differences in peak blood pressures, pressor responses, or duration of pressor responses which, by covariance analyses, could not be properly ascribed to the control blood pressure differences. Conclusion: the baroreceptors are not capable of moderating the blood pressure effects of intravenously injected epinephrine.

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