Relativistic Singular Isothermal Toroids

We construct self-similar, axisymmetric, time-independent solutions to Einstein's field equations for an isothermal gas with a flat rotation curve in the equatorial plane. The metric scales as $ds^2 \to a^2 ds^2$ under the transformation $r\to a r$ and $t \to a^{1-n} t$, where $n$ is a dimensionless measure of the strength of the gravitational field. The solution space forms a two-parameter family characterized by the ratios of the isothermal sound speed and the equatorial rotation speed to the speed of light. The isodensity surfaces are toroids, empty of matter along the rotation axis. Unlike the Newtonian case, the velocity field is not constant on a cylindrical radius. As the configuration rotates faster, an ergoregion develops in the form of the exterior of a cone centered about the rotation axis. The sequence of solutions terminates when frame dragging becomes infinite and the ergocone closes onto the axis. The fluid velocity of the last solution has finite value in the midplane but reaches the speed of light on the axis.

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