Differences in Stress and Challenge in Clinical Practice Among ADN and BSN Students in Varying Clinical Courses

There is limited research on student perceptions of their clinical experiences particularly in different clinical courses and settings. The purpose of this study was to examine the degree of stress, challenge, and threat associated with clinical practice experiences among ADN and BSN nursing students enrolled in various clinical courses and settings. The Pagana Clinical Stress Questionnaire was used to assess the clinical experiences of 416 undergraduate nursing students from 10 randomly selected associate degree (ADN) and baccalaureate (BSN) programs in the midwest. Significant differences were found across clinical courses (F[5,3991=9.58, p<.0001) and settings (F[2,386]=4.63,p=.01) in terms of students' stress. Stress was highest for students enrolled in pediatric nursing courses. ANOVA indicated significant differences across clinical courses in the degree of challenge and threat experienced by students. There were no differences in any of the variables studied when students had faculty from the nursing program or preceptors from the clinical setting as their teachers.