The Standard Model from Stable Intersecting Brane World Orbifolds

We analyze the perturbative stability of non-supersymmetric intersecting brane world models on tori. Besides the dilaton tadpole, a dynamical instability in the complex structure moduli space occurs at string disc level, which drives the background geometry to a degenerate limit. We show that in certain orbifold models this latter instability is absent as the relevant moduli are frozen. We construct explicit examples of such orbifold intersecting brane world models and discuss the phenomenological implications of a three generation Standard Model which descends naturally from an SU(5) GUT theory. It turns out that various phenomenological issues require the string scale to be at least of the order of the GUT scale. As a major difference compared to the Standard Model, some of the Yukawa couplings are excluded so that the standard electroweak Higgs mechanism with a fundamental Higgs scalar is not realized in this set-up.

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