Technical Considerations for Transporting Patients, by Air Ambulance, with Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumps

An increasing demand for the conveyance of patients with acute cardiac decompensation to tertiary cardiovascular centers in our service area prompted investigation of a method for utilizing the intra-aortic balloon pump on helicopters and fixed wing aircraft of the Metro Life Flight system.Mounting a DatascopeR System 84 transport balloon console onto an aluminum helicopter litter allowed convenient loading and cabin configuration. Carbon dioxide CO2 was the driving gas, and no recognizable altitude effects occurred. Reliance on on-board electrical power minimized CO2 usage and maintained adequate reserves for complementary ground transportation. Compressor start-up can create a power drain which trips inverter circuit breakers. This can be avoided by connecting the tubing from the compressor to the console after it is running. Lengthening of the pressure tubing to the slave chamber facilitated patient movement. Special attention to CO2 tank position and ground support preparation (personnel and equipment) have assured safe, expeditious transportation for eight patients with cardiogenic shock (seven) or refractory angina pectoris (one).

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