Zur Ultraschalldiagnose des Meckel-Syndroms

A case is reported of an antenatal completely sonographic diagnosis of a case of Meckel-Syndrome. During the second ultra-sound screening at 33 weeks gestation the suspicion of hydrocephalus was diagnosed. An extended ultra-sound diagnosis at 34 gestation showed the following: 1. internal hydrocephalus 2. encephalocele or meningomyelocele 3. bilateral polycystic kidneys 4. suspicious of aplasia of the diaphragm on the left 5. suspicious of hepatic cysts. The infant died a few hours after delivery. The autopsy report corroborated the essential features of the ultra-sound diagnosis. In summary these were interpreted as meckel-syndrome. This case shows that a complete antenatal diagnosis of meckel-syndrome by ultra-sound only is possible. The case also shows that diagnosis prior to 24 weeks gestation is desirable in order to carry out the necessary treatment.